Sep 13Liked by Sarah Crowder

I feed all birds. Feeding birds and wildlife is most important and joyful thing I have done in retirement. Thank for sharing.

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Really great writing as always Sarah. My fear is that someone somewhere is writing about me in the same way as you write about your previous hinge dates πŸ˜… I live in Tottenham Hale so I’m very familiar with the places you mentioned. It’s a pleasure to read your words πŸ™

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Thank you. You're so lucky to live by the marshes, when I lived in London I loved walking there at the height of meadowsweet and mugwort season. Also, I reckon as long as you didn't commit any grave crimes, like drinking milk and orange squash, or disrupting whole corvid social hierarchies, you're probably safe from being written about disparagingly.

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I haven’t done those things and will endeavour to not do them in the future!

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Sep 12Liked by Sarah Crowder

β€œHow bad can any date be if you spend it with birds?” ”I hoped they would act as auguries, let me know if they disapproved.” Excellent piece, Sarah. Thank you for writing with honesty and humor

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Thank you so much James. I remember you writing something similar about birding with friends, although I think you approached it from a more generous viewpoint of sharing birds with people.

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Sep 12Liked by Sarah Crowder

Birds are a litmus test. How a person reacts to hours of foot travel punctuated by appreciation of birds/nature is telling.

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Love that phrase "the scrapper with the saviour complex" – you describe that compulsion to leap in so well!

Great read – very vivid and insightful, thank you.

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Thank you so much Wendy, and "leap in" is right, feet first and head later! I've been incredibly lucky not to get into more trouble with my leaping in compulsion.

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I'm supposed to be working Sarah, but love reading these so much that I had to read it now. I do that thing of overcompensating when I see someone in the street that I don't want to or even if I do want to. I'm pleased to see Linus making an appearance too. I may challenge myself to get the cast of Charlie Brown into a series of posts. Lovely writing.

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What a massive compliment, thank you Margaret. I really hope you do write more about the Peanuts gang, I love reading about them and I love your writing, I can't smell white musk without thinking of Linus thanks to you. I edit so much out when I write and I ended up deleting a whole bit about the work of therapy being learning how to stop trying to kick the ball when Lucy lines it up!

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